Mesh Customization

3. Preview your mesh

Click the “Preview” button Button to preview mesh after defining the mesh specification.

Screenshot of previewing mesh generation


You will be directed to the Preview page. Progress messages will be pushed to the screen while generating the mesh preview.

Screenshot of mesh preview generation in progress


When the preview is generated, you will see two previews in the left panel. The top one is a “Global” preview, showing the transition from the coarsest resolution to finest resolution in your regions of interest. To avoid displaying all cells on the screen, each polygon in the map panel represents a certain number of actual cells to be generated. (~34 actual cells in the following example)

Screenshot 1 of mesh preview generation finished


Screenshot 2 of mesh preview generation finished


The bottom one is a “Zoom-in” preview, or “1:1 Preview”, showing the actual outlook of the cells to be generated. To avoid displaying all cells on the screen, only a certain number of cells to be generated are shown.


The 1:1 Preview is intended to show some samples of the smallest cells. Usually the region with the finest resolution contains a large number of cells which are difficult to display. In order to prevent your browser from hanging, the number of cells is limited to about 1000 cells.

Screenshot 3 of mesh preview generation finished



Sometimes, the 1:1 Preview may look disconnected, but the actual mesh resulting from a mesh generation job will fill the whole region (and can be visualized in Jupyter Notebook rather than this Preview screen).

Screenshot of mesh preview generation disconnected appearance

You may switch between the previews to check whether the resolution transition behaves as you want. If not, click “Edit” button Button to edit mesh spec to modify the mesh specification.


To obtain a rough idea of the size of the resulting mesh, the estimated number of cells in the 1:1 mesh is shown in the left panel.

Screenshot of mesh preview generation summary



In case the estimated number of cells exceeds the limit of your subscription, an error message will be shown.

Click the “Edit” button Button to edit mesh spec to change your mesh specification.  To fulfil the number-of-cells limit, reduce refinement areas, or coarsen target resolutions.

Screenshot of mesh preview generation aborted


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