Yue Zheng, Chi-Yung Tam, Wai-Pang Sze, Chi-Chiu Cheung. Assessing the Impact of Scale-Aware Convective Parameterization Schemes on Tropical Cyclone Simulations in the South China Sea Using WRF, MPAS, and CPAS. The 33rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting and the 29th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction. 12-16 January 2025, New Orleans, USA. (Conference page, Poster)

Man Cheung Alex Li, 2025. 200m Resolution Numerical Weather CPAS Model With Data Assimilation Cycling Capability. Poster Presentation, 3-day Croucher Advanced Study Institutes Course "Ground-based LiDAR Network”, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 13-15 January 2025. (Conference page, Poster)


Whitepaper 4 - Performance Evaluation of the CPAS for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting 2024 Western North Pacific Typhoon Season


Chi-Chiu Cheung, Ka-Ki Ng, Wai-Pang Sze, Jimmy Tat Chi Wong, 2023: MPAS-A with Hierarchical Timestepping and Customized Mesh Generation: 2023 Updates.  Joint WRF/MPAS Users’ Workshop 2023, 20 – 23 June, 2023, Boulder, Colorado, USA. (Abstract, slides, video)


Sze, W.-P., Tang, S.-C., Cheung, C.-C., & Tam, C.-Y. (2022). Numerical weather prediction at 200 m local resolution based on an unstructured grid global model. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002342. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002342

Chi-Chiu Cheung, Chi-Yung Tam, Wai-Nang Leung, Ka-Ki Ng, and Wai- Pang Sze. 2022. Applications of flexible spatial and temporal discretization techniques to a numerical weather prediction model. In Proceedings of The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC ’22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3539781.3539790 (conference page, video message)

Whitepaper 3 - The 200m-resolution Hong Kong Weather Reanalysis (HK-200m) Data Product


Lui, Y.S., Tse, L.K.S., Tam, C., Lau, K.H., Chen, J, 2020. Performance of MPAS-A and WRF in predicting and simulating western North Pacific tropical cyclone tracks and intensities. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-020-03444-5

Lui, Y. S., Tam, C.Y., Tse, L. K.S., Ng, K.K., Leung, W.N., & Cheung, C. C., 2020. Evaluation of a customized variable resolution global model and its application for high resolution weather forecasts in East Asia. Earth and Space Science, 7, e2020EA001228. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001228

Louis Kwan Shu Tse, Ka Ki Ng, Yuk Sing Lui, Chi Chiu Cheung, Wai Nang Leung, and Yun Fat Lam, 2020: Development of Customized Variable-Resolution CPAS for Meteorological Simulation. EGU General Assembly 2020, 3 – 8 May 2020, Online. (conference page, abstract in pdf, poster, slide, pre-recorded presentation)

Whitepaper 2 - Evaluation of Mesh Quality, Run-time Efficiency, and Predictability for CPAS Customized Variable-Resolution Mesh - Revision 2


Yuk Sing Lui, Kwan Shu Tse, Chi-Yung Tam, King Heng Lau, and Jilong Chen, 2019: Performance of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Evolution in MPAS-A and WRF Simulations. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 9 – 13 Dec 2019, San Francisco, USA. (conference page, poster)


Ka Ki Ng, Kwan Shu Tse, Yuk Sing Lui, Wai Nang Leung, Chi Chiu Cheung, and Sze Chuan Suen, 2019: Using hierarchical time-stepping to utilize MPAS-A computational resources for customized extreme variable-resolution meshes.  Joint WRF/MPAS Users’ Workshop 2019, 10 14 June, 2019, Boulder, Colorado, USA. (conference page, slides)


Whitepaper 1 - Forecast Skill Analysis for Hierarchical Time-stepping on CPAS