ClusterTech was invited to present at the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) workshop on the theme of "Investigating Global Warming and Urbanisation Impacts on Megacity Environment: Observations and Multi-scale Modelling". The workshop took place in the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and also online virtually on 1 Dec 2023. The presentation specifically focused on the topic of "Applications of the Multi-scale CPAS Model to Megacities".

Unleashing the Power of CPAS: ClusterTech's Innovative Solution for Megacity Sustainability Presented at WUN Workshop

During the WUN workshop, Mr. Chris Cheung, Senior Director of Technology at ClusterTech, impressed the audience with his extensive knowledge and visionary perspectives on ClusterTech Platform for Atmospheric Simulation (CPAS). He elucidated the model's sophisticated features, which enable precise simulation of atmospheric conditions, high resolution weather prediction, comprehensive microclimate analysis, and how the model can be used to assist design of smart cities.

Unleashing the Power of CPAS: ClusterTech's Innovative Solution for Megacity Sustainability Presented at WUN Workshop

Multi-scale CPAS utilises advanced atmospheric simulation techniques and computational modelling to integrate meteorological data, urban characteristics, and climate change projections to empower policymakers, urban planners, and other stakeholders in devising strategies for sustainable urban development, including green infrastructure development, urban greening initiatives, and improved building designs to mitigate heat stress. Integrating CPAS into urban planning processes enhances the livability and resilience of megacities.

Unleashing the Power of CPAS: ClusterTech's Innovative Solution for Megacity Sustainability Presented at WUN Workshop

ClusterTech Limited's meteorological team is dedicated to delivering meteorological model running  and air quality forecasts services to clients. With over 15 years of experience, we have provided our services to esteemed organisations such as the Hong Kong Observatory, the Environment Protection Department of HKSAR, and various organisations in mainland China. Our team has developed CPAS, a cutting-edge solution that incorporates unique Customizable Unstructured Mesh Generation (CUMG) and Hierarchical Time-Stepping (HTS) techniques into the Model for Prediction Across Scales - Atmosphere (MPAS-A). This advancement enables us to better cater to the computational requirements of users utilising numerical atmospheric models.

ClusterTech's participation at the WUN workshop highlighted the significance of our CPAS technology in promoting sustainability and resilience in megacities. By harnessing the power of multi-scale modelling, data analytics and climate projection, CPAS offers a valuable tool for decision-makers to create more sustainable and livable urban environments. Through continued collaboration and knowledge exchange, we can work collectively towards a more resilient future.


About the WUN workshop:

This WUN (Worldwide Universities Network) - supported workshop explores the dynamics and manifestation of extreme weather- in particular heat waves- from the regional to district scale and the use of multi-scale modelling for extreme event studies. The findings can help setting up a systematic method for climate risk assessment in developing megacities. Early career scientists and practitioners in atmospheric and climate research, urban climate, climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental sustainability and planning are particularly encouraged to participate in this workshop.