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Try it with your mesh or the demo_kompasu mesh.
nEdgesOnCell is the number of edges on the specified cell. If it is 6, the cell is a hexagon (most cells are).
cellsOnCell is an array of indices of neighboring cells of the specified cell. Note that only the first nEdgesOnCell elements are meaningful. All arrays are of the same length (maxEdges), for example, 7, because there can be some heptagons in the mesh. For hexagons, ignore the element beyond the nEdgesOnCell-th element.
latCell and lonCell are in radian. Reference: capture from MPAS User Guide
Use np.rad2deg() to convert it to degree. They are the latitude and longitude of the center of the cell.
It just so happens that the current implementation of CUMG puts the cell at the North pole as the zero-th cell, so longitudes of its neighbors spread over a large range, which may look surprising if you check the data.
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