


2022年11月28日至29日,物流科技博览在九龙塘生产力大楼举办,旨在帮助本地物流中小企掌握行业的最新科技趋势,善用政府高达港币100万的资助进行升级转型。 除了物流科技展览摊位及政府资助基金申请的现场支持外,各方专家讲者与参加者一起探讨如何善用政府资助和应用物流科技以提升效率及生产力。联科集团参加展览并展示用于航运的高分辨率数值天气预测系统。


2022年11月22日至23日,由香港特别行政区政府(香港特区政府)与香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)合办的第12届亚洲物流航运及空运会议以实体(香港会议展览中心)和线上形式举行。会议吸引来自超过50个国家及地区共超过14,000名业内人士,通过线上和面对面交流,拓展商业联系和探索合作机会。 联科集团参加展览并展示创新的海路天气预测系统。

ClusterTech Presents at EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online

EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online was converted from the EGU General Assembly 2020 and held on 4-8 May 2020 via online. The event is the largest and most prominent geosciences event in Europe and attracts over 26,000 audience members from all geoscience backgrounds worldwide. ClusterTech was honoured to cooperate with Dr. Lam Yun Fat, an Associate Professor from the University of Hong Kong, to present our customized variable-resolution CPAS.

ClusterTech Unveils CPAS at the Meteorological Technology World Expo 2019

ClusterTech unveiled its breakthrough ClusterTech Platform for Atmospheric Simulation (CPAS) numerical modelling solution at the Meteorological Technology World Expo 2019 on 5-7 June 2019. This Expo is the world’s largest meteorological event, attracting over 4,000 visitors, including senior scientists, governmental officers, management from meteorological offices, research institutes and so on.