With CPAS' unique and self-developed technologies including the Customisable Unstructured Mesh Generation (CUMG) and Hierarchical Time-Stepping (HTS), we are able to provide customised and ultra high resolution (100m-scale, minute-scale) weather forecasts so as to optimise the port operation and route planning.
In this paper, we introduce a retrospective weather data set for Hong Kong for the two years July 2019 to June 2021 with 200m resolution using CPAS. We verified that the result is better than the fifth-generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate data (ERA5), which is of about 28km resolution over Hong Kong. The reduction of mean absolute error for hourly temperature and 10-minute instantaneous wind speed over ERA5 are 19.4% and 28.2% respectively.
CPAS 128-至-5 公里网格包含43,580个横向网状单元格,包括了“亚洲”、“喜马拉雅”、“华南区”、“广东省”和“香港”这5个区域,分辨率从外部的128公里慢慢过渡到香港的5公里,其中,最大分辨率梯度为0.833公里/公里。
CPAS 128-至-1 公里网格包含343,226个横向网状单元格,包括了“亚洲”、“喜马拉雅”、“华南区”、“广东省”和“香港”这5个区域,分辨率从外部的128公里慢慢过渡到香港的1公里,其中,最大分辨率梯度为0.833公里/公里。
联科大气模拟平台(CPAS)是云端服务平台,可在MPAS-A, v7.3(跨尺度预测模型-大气)的基础上实现自定义生成任何形状的网格(CUMG) 和分层时间步长(HTS),从而更好的满足大气数值模型用户的计算需求。